Guess wat? I did something exciting with my mummy today! We went on a virgin trip today.. heeheee.. we went out without my daddy! Until today, my mummy has never brought me out alone.. cos bring me out need to carry alot of barang barang mah... my milk powder, milk bottles, hot water, diapers, changing mat, hankies, etc.... And one very big and heavy thing.. my mercedes! So always my daddy carry everything and my mummy carry me...
But today, my mummy used a baby carrier to bring me out... actually we only went downstairs to the shops for a short while.. Well.. better than nothing! My mummy already very happy liao cos she dun need to be stuck at home.. can finally see civillization!
Welcome to my world! It's not big but i assure you that it's full of interesting things and funny stuff. Enjoy yourself and wipe that grin off your face! :)
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
Daddy's xmas present
Today, we went IMM to meet my Uncle Terence cos he wanted to buy some new furniture. But before we even went to see any furniture, my daddy conned him to go and see digicams at Best Denki... My Uncle Terence very technical savvy one, so my daddy decided to make use of his brains lor... He asked my mummy and Uncle Terence to go and look at the different models but he himself found a comfortable spot and planted himself there to rest. I also resting in my mercedes until i fell asleep cos my mummy and Uncle Terence choose the digicam choose very long...
Finally, my mummy decided to buy a Sony Handycam HC21E and my daddy happily went to pay. My daddy told my mummy to video me everyday when he is at work so that he can see wat i do everyday.... duhz... My mummy even said she will try to make a RA video of me! ARGH! Someone save me!!
Finally, my mummy decided to buy a Sony Handycam HC21E and my daddy happily went to pay. My daddy told my mummy to video me everyday when he is at work so that he can see wat i do everyday.... duhz... My mummy even said she will try to make a RA video of me! ARGH! Someone save me!!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
My first xmas!

Yippeee.... this year i am celebrating my first xmas... hehee... very exciting... Actually my daddy said he wanted to bring me to see the xmas lights in Orchard Road... but hor, later he changed his mind... he say very crowded... wait i kanna lost in the crowd.. as if! So to pacify my mummy (she keep nagging him), he bought a little christmas tree for me... and hung 4 ornaments on the tree.. he say ornaments very expensive so 4 can liao... My mummy say he very cheapskate leh!

Btw, i heard that one of santa's reindeers escaped... maybe u can help to find her... :)
Here's a pic of her...
Okie, i must go and wait for santa to give me my present already! Merry christmas everyone!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Essential life skills
Last nite i learnt a new skill, it's called self-sleep. My mummy discovered it this morning when she woke up and was pleasantly surprised and very happy... hehe. Wat's self-sleep?? It's being able to put myself to sleep without my mummy holding me, rocking me, patting my backside, singing to me etc...
Actually wat happened was i woke up at 3.30am for my usual nite snack. After finishing my milk, my mummy tried to pat me to sleep but i refused to close my eyes... Then, my mummy put me onto the bed but i kept kicking in the air (new trick i learnt to irritate my mummy). My mummy told me to put my legs down and close my eyes but i refused to listen. Then my mummy said that it was at nite and not for playing but for sleeping, ask me to go back to sleep... But hor, to me it's all the same! Day or nite, any time is a good time to play as long as i felt like it! Heeheee.... My mummy tried many things to motivate me to go back to sleep.... lying beside me, giving me elmo, patting me.... all no use. Well, wat can i say.... i am not one to change my mind easily! :)
At 4.45am, my mummy gave up (cos she very sleepy liao), she stuffed my 'ni tu' (pacifier lar) into my mouth and told me 'If u dun wan to sleep, i go and sleep liao!'. After saying that, she went over to the other side of the bed and went to orh orh! Geeeee.... no patience....
In the morning, when she woke up, she found me sleeping peacefully beside her.... and so i have learnt a new skill... putting myself to sleep! Very important hor...
Now my mummy just waiting for me to learn another important skill..... self-entertainment! Heehee!
Actually wat happened was i woke up at 3.30am for my usual nite snack. After finishing my milk, my mummy tried to pat me to sleep but i refused to close my eyes... Then, my mummy put me onto the bed but i kept kicking in the air (new trick i learnt to irritate my mummy). My mummy told me to put my legs down and close my eyes but i refused to listen. Then my mummy said that it was at nite and not for playing but for sleeping, ask me to go back to sleep... But hor, to me it's all the same! Day or nite, any time is a good time to play as long as i felt like it! Heeheee.... My mummy tried many things to motivate me to go back to sleep.... lying beside me, giving me elmo, patting me.... all no use. Well, wat can i say.... i am not one to change my mind easily! :)
At 4.45am, my mummy gave up (cos she very sleepy liao), she stuffed my 'ni tu' (pacifier lar) into my mouth and told me 'If u dun wan to sleep, i go and sleep liao!'. After saying that, she went over to the other side of the bed and went to orh orh! Geeeee.... no patience....
In the morning, when she woke up, she found me sleeping peacefully beside her.... and so i have learnt a new skill... putting myself to sleep! Very important hor...
Now my mummy just waiting for me to learn another important skill..... self-entertainment! Heehee!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
International banking conspiracy
Last night daddy receive a bill from an institution call bank. Straight away he muttered some F word... That he started to F this F that... daddy made some mistake in writting the amount to pay the bank, he wrote a 1 instead of 7 in one of the digits, the bank is charging him interest!!!
According to daddy banking is the biggest scam in the world.
Money is created out of thin air and loan at interest thru fractional reserve banking.
What is fractional reserve banking? Many people have the misconception that a reserve of 10% means the bank keeps 10% of the money deposited and loans out the rest of the 90%.
In actual fact, if a bank has a deposit of $1000, the bank can create a loan of $10,000. Yes, $9000 of this money the bank lent out at interest is created out of thin air. Magic hor....
According to daddy's favourite author Professor Carroll Quigley, mentor of President William Jefferson Clinton at Georgetown university, there exsist an conspiracy of international bankers trying to rule the world by proxy...
Infact today, there is a country that print green fiat(legal tender) money that is practically worthless. However, the green notes is so sought after as Oil (black fossil fuel) is priced, transacted and traded exclusively in this green notes... Is called the Green Note hegemony....
Hmm, next i got treasure, i better keep in my trusty "Gu ni gong".
According to daddy banking is the biggest scam in the world.
Money is created out of thin air and loan at interest thru fractional reserve banking.
What is fractional reserve banking? Many people have the misconception that a reserve of 10% means the bank keeps 10% of the money deposited and loans out the rest of the 90%.
In actual fact, if a bank has a deposit of $1000, the bank can create a loan of $10,000. Yes, $9000 of this money the bank lent out at interest is created out of thin air. Magic hor....
According to daddy's favourite author Professor Carroll Quigley, mentor of President William Jefferson Clinton at Georgetown university, there exsist an conspiracy of international bankers trying to rule the world by proxy...
Infact today, there is a country that print green fiat(legal tender) money that is practically worthless. However, the green notes is so sought after as Oil (black fossil fuel) is priced, transacted and traded exclusively in this green notes... Is called the Green Note hegemony....
Hmm, next i got treasure, i better keep in my trusty "Gu ni gong".
Heeheee... some nice lady from Similac emailed my mummy and told her that i cannot use the Similac pic that i posted previously. Why?? Becos of some dun know wat code... very chim one... i only baby so i dun understand... (see SIFECS)
So i had to replace the pic with a follow-on formula one although i am not yet drinking that... hmmm.... ah well.... dun wan to get sued or the company to trouble.... me got no money to engage any lawyers! Skali anything happen to the company... I no more milk to drink!!! Siao liao.... Wawawa !!! T-T
So i had to replace the pic with a follow-on formula one although i am not yet drinking that... hmmm.... ah well.... dun wan to get sued or the company to trouble.... me got no money to engage any lawyers! Skali anything happen to the company... I no more milk to drink!!! Siao liao.... Wawawa !!! T-T
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Yesterday, my mama and my gong gong came over to Singapore from Johor to see me.... It was the first time i saw my gong gong and i was very scared of him... he looks strange mah, never see him before. When he tried to carry me... i immediately cried very loud so my mummy quickly carried my over... After that, i became very suspicious of him.
My gong gong and mama also kept talking about bring me to Johor to stay with them... i hear already largi more scared.... Where is this Johor place they keep talking about??? i dun wan to go.. i wan my mummy and daddy! Dun take me away from them!!
After they left, i keep having nitemares about the place called Johor and being taken away from my mummy and daddy.... Every time i closed my eyes, i cannot see my mummy so i very scared... until the whole day i din get any sleep... :(
i promise to be good... dun send me to Johor....
My gong gong and mama also kept talking about bring me to Johor to stay with them... i hear already largi more scared.... Where is this Johor place they keep talking about??? i dun wan to go.. i wan my mummy and daddy! Dun take me away from them!!
After they left, i keep having nitemares about the place called Johor and being taken away from my mummy and daddy.... Every time i closed my eyes, i cannot see my mummy so i very scared... until the whole day i din get any sleep... :(

Friday, December 02, 2005
Newest game show in town
Every nite at 9pm, my daddy and mummy (mostly my mummy lar.. cos my daddy very early will self-eliminate) will participate in the newest and most happening game show in town, called 'Guess wat the baby wans!'.
The game rules are as follows:
Try to deciper wat the baby wans by listening to the baby's cries (which are el & el el).
From the cries chose the correct option:
1. Feed milk
2. Change diaper
3. Rock baby
4. Put baby down on bed
5. Sing to baby
6. Give baby pacifer
7. Turn down the air con
8. Cover the baby
When the correct option is chosen, the participant will be rewarded with a peaceful sleeping baby (moi!). If the wrong option is chosen, yours truly here will cry the whole house down.... cos cannot go to sleep.. very grumpy mah!
The game rules are as follows:
Try to deciper wat the baby wans by listening to the baby's cries (which are el & el el).
From the cries chose the correct option:

1. Feed milk
2. Change diaper
3. Rock baby
4. Put baby down on bed
5. Sing to baby
6. Give baby pacifer
7. Turn down the air con
8. Cover the baby
When the correct option is chosen, the participant will be rewarded with a peaceful sleeping baby (moi!). If the wrong option is chosen, yours truly here will cry the whole house down.... cos cannot go to sleep.. very grumpy mah!
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