Friday, September 07, 2007

Things i can do before my 2nd birthday

1. Say the alphabets from A to Z.
2. Count from 1 to 10.
3. Take of my own clothes.
4. Put on my own clothes.
5. Put on my own shoes. (those without laces of cos, wat do u expect from a 2 year old?)
6. Feed myself (and in the process, feed the table, feed the floor and watever else within 2m of my vicinity.)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My 2nd birthday!

My daddy and mummy bought me a cake today cos on my actual birthday we are going to catch Hi-5 Circus Stageshow (more about that after i am back from the concert!), I am so excited! Oh yah, back to my cake, it's a Minnie Mouse cake from Bangawan Solo cos i love Minnie.... By the way, my mummy promised me a froggie cake for my 5th year birthday, i must blog it in case she forgets it. Haha.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Me & Auntie Jessie

Today, we went Vivocity to meet up with Auntie Jessie for dinner. After dinner, we went to Corduroy Cafe for tea and to open my present (cos my birthday is in a few day's time). She gave me a big box full of stuff! Very heavy... Inside the box is a dress, a top and skirt, a lot of biscuits and sweets. Hehe... i had so much fun tearing up all the tidbits' boxes. THANK YOU Auntie Jessie!! Muacks muacks! :)

*The pics are very dim cos my mummy took the pics with her pathetic 1.3 megapixel Nokia hp and it doesn't have a flash.*

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I like celery!

I love to eat celery. Dun ask me why. It's crunchy, it's green (my fav colour cos it's froggie colour!), has a weird taste and finally, i like to pull the strings (fibres) off while eating!

Guess i am one of those rare babies who like to eat raw veggies.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I AM good...

Hahaa... see, i am a fast learner... just a few weeks ago, i saw something and now i have mastered it to perfection.... Wahahahaa!

See no shoes! Getting comfy!

One for the camera!

As u can see.. my mummy has lined the trolley with a mattress and given me a pillow to sleep on... Mummy, mummy, u the best!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Invasion of the Giant Chupa Chups!

I went for lunch with Auntie Jessie today. After lunch, we came across Elmo & Cookie Monster again.. I just had to pose for some pics. :)

Then we went Vivocity for dinner and guess wat we discovered there??! Giant Chupa Chups!! Interesting... I have never seen such BIG lollipops in my life... Hehe...

Big rite?? It's bigger than my head.. not that my tiny head is very big... :P

Discovering my artistic talents.... notice the cute stools.. they are actually bins of Chupa Chups! So fun rite?

Hehe, i stunned the cute froggie bag to pose for pics... why?? cos i love all things frogs! :)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bubbles, bubbles... we love bubbles!

Today, my mummy brought me to Auntie Imelda's place, Sengkang, to celebrate Isabelle's little didi's first month. Alot of food and playing in the house later... Uncle Xin Kai (that's Xiao Xin's daddy) decided to take out his special bubble making machine to entertain us kiddos outside. It was a blast! So much fun! Yippeeeee...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I love ELMO!

I saw Elmo at CityLink today while shopping with my mummy..... I just had to do this...

Love, love, hug, hug, kiss, kiss, love, hug, kiss.... Heehee.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Movie star in the making - Part 2

We went for lunch with Auntie Jessie today. After that we shopped around at Raffles City. See... I upgraded, do i seriously look like a major movie star now? Heeheee... Maybe someone like my namesake? Julia Roberts or Julia Stiles?

Auntie Jessie trying to entertain me while my mummy disappeared to shop... poor Auntie Jessie...

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sentosa, Sentosa, full of sand...

Guess wat i did today? I went to Sentosa with my 2 uncles! Uncle Terence (da jiu) and Uncle Benson (xiao jiu). Of cos, my mummy came along too... how can the 2 uncles handle me? Hahaha!

They say a pic is worth a million words (see, i am so smart even at my age!), here's a bunch of them, taken by my trigger happy Uncle Terence. :)

Some shopping before going over to Sentosa. Wat to do? We were at Vivocity wat, my mummy's fav activity is shopping! Went to this really cool toy shop on Level 2 Vivocity (pardon my tiny brain, i can't remember the name of the shop) but the stuff were really, really expensive so my mummy said 'NO'.

I like this toy stroller alot! It even comes with a cute bunny! I wonder if i could....

Just wheel it out of the shop! Hahahahaaa.... Oops... kanna discovered... sigh...

Went Carl's Junior for lunch, i call it 'Star Burger' by the way, for obvious reasons.

I like the Portobello mushroom burger. See the burger is bigger than my head!

Eh.. i like fries better! Feed me! Feed me!

Time for dessert, cookies from Subway... my mummy brought them along in case i need some snacks.

We took the Sentosa Express cos it only cost $3 per ticket.. queueing for tics.

I got myself a copy of the Sentosa map, in case we got lost...

Eh... map reading is serious business, okie?!

We've got a blue train!

Is it safe??

Wat am i supposed to do with this tic now?

Finally, we arrived at Sentosa, at around 2pm!

First, we went to this thing called the Merlion Walk cos it's just beside the Beach Station (actually the real reason was it was FREE!). We had to walk up this long sloping walkway all the way to the top... very tiring.. for a tiny person like me.

At the top, there are these colourful tiled pools, very pretty, i keep staring at them. And a great big Merlion (very strange creature). Glad there was an aircon shop up there, cos it was really, very hot!

Uncle Terence & me... By the way, i fell down and scrapped my knee on the way down.. but i din cry. It explains the unhappy face though.

Next stop, Underwater World. We din go in cos it was like $20 per pax. Anyways, my mummy said i went in once when we came the other time with my daddy, so can forget about it.

Mr Crab, Mr Crab, do i look like one?

Saw a monkey running around outside and lots of peacocks...

We took the Tram back to Palawan Beach. Before heading over to the beach, we went to the Palawan Amphitheatre to look at some birds perform. Boy, they are smart, can count, can sort shapes and even pick up litter!
Finally, we hit the sand at 4 plus.... Somehow, i din wanna sit on the sand so i sat on the deck chairs while Uncle Terence played with my beach toys. Haha...

Me on the sand!

More playing...

Time to go... :(