Thursday, May 04, 2006

Being naughty

Today, i was very notti. I pooped already but refused to lie still for my mummy to change me... after much major struggling.. my mummy finally managed to wipe my cute little tush clean and wrapped up the dirty diaper. By then she was already very angry cos i keep twisting and turning and almost stepped my tiny feet into the fresh pile of poo.. hehee... So she smacked my buttocks to try and make me lie still (it was red cos i wasn't wearing diapers yet). But hey, who says i gotta listen to my mummy!? So i still tried to wriggle my way out while she tried to put on a clean diaper for me... And guess wat? Before she manage to even secure the clean diaper, i pee-ed! Ooops... The mat was all wet and so was my mummy's shorts... Erm... bad idea..... my mummy was so mad that she threw me into the prison (my baby cot lar) and ignored me for half an hour... even though i was crying my heart out and screaming my throat hoarse...

See... this is me after my mummy finally rescue me from my prison... my hair wet wet, my nose red red and my eyes wet wet... sob sob.. mummy.. i wun be notti again....