Friday, September 07, 2007

Things i can do before my 2nd birthday

1. Say the alphabets from A to Z.
2. Count from 1 to 10.
3. Take of my own clothes.
4. Put on my own clothes.
5. Put on my own shoes. (those without laces of cos, wat do u expect from a 2 year old?)
6. Feed myself (and in the process, feed the table, feed the floor and watever else within 2m of my vicinity.)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My 2nd birthday!

My daddy and mummy bought me a cake today cos on my actual birthday we are going to catch Hi-5 Circus Stageshow (more about that after i am back from the concert!), I am so excited! Oh yah, back to my cake, it's a Minnie Mouse cake from Bangawan Solo cos i love Minnie.... By the way, my mummy promised me a froggie cake for my 5th year birthday, i must blog it in case she forgets it. Haha.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Me & Auntie Jessie

Today, we went Vivocity to meet up with Auntie Jessie for dinner. After dinner, we went to Corduroy Cafe for tea and to open my present (cos my birthday is in a few day's time). She gave me a big box full of stuff! Very heavy... Inside the box is a dress, a top and skirt, a lot of biscuits and sweets. Hehe... i had so much fun tearing up all the tidbits' boxes. THANK YOU Auntie Jessie!! Muacks muacks! :)

*The pics are very dim cos my mummy took the pics with her pathetic 1.3 megapixel Nokia hp and it doesn't have a flash.*