Thursday, November 17, 2005


Some aunties and uncles have feedback that my PINK fonts are very difficult to see.. guess they old already eyesight not so good.. So i decided to change my font color in case my blog makes their eyesight worse and they decide not to visit my blog anymore! Sob sob...

Why i used pink in the first place? Cos my daddy says i look good in pink.
Here's a picture of me in pink....

Actually, i look good in most of the colors.. pink, blue, yellow, white... But NOT purple! There was this day when we were supposed to go out to meet my Uncle Terence, my mummy dressed me in this horrigible purple romper (actually the romper looks quite nice, not at all horrible) and i looked so terrigible that my mummy decided to change me again although we were already late..
Heehee.. my mummy very vain one.. she said looked so ugly cannot go out.

Romper in question

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