Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Yippe! My First Steps

Guess wat? I took my first unaided steps today! Yippee! Achievement of the year! Heehee.. Hey, walking is not easy u know.

I was taking my afternoon cruise around the coffee table as usual and my mummy was trying to entice me to walk towards her (as usual). So i decided to surprise her by taking 3 steps towards her before falling into her arms. Mummy was so surprised and excited. At first, she thought it was a fluke and i couldn't do it again so she kept trying to make me perform my stunt. And i did, 2 more times before i decided enough was enough. Hey, i am not some performing circus animal hor! Too bad mummy couldn't grab the camera in time to capture this historical moment. So there's no 'prove' of me walking but it's okie.

Soon, i will be running and flying! Just u wait! Ermm.. maybe not flying but running definately! Heehee!

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