Thursday, September 28, 2006

Shopping Babe

Today I went out with mummy to Raffles City. On the way there in the MRT i kept on crying and throwing tantrums. Mummy didn't know wat to do with me.. cos she carried me i also cried, she put me in the stroller, i also cried. Until we reached City Hall station and she let me out to walk, then i smiled. Wat can i say? I WANNA WALK!!

So she let me walk around Raffles City by myself and didn't even need to hold mummy's hands. I even helped to carry the shopping bags. Hooray! Mummy was so surprised that i could walk by myself so steadily and for so long. I walked from the Baby Nursery on the 3rd level to the Fox shop. Well, walking around the shopping centre sure beats walking around at home.. There's nothing to see at home wat! Duhz.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How Many Frogs Must I Kiss?

My mummy told me a story about a princess who kissed a frog which changed into a prince the other day. So i am trying my luck to see if i can get a prince too! Wonder how many times and how many froggies must kiss before i can finally get my prince.... hmmmm

Froggie in question

Kiss no.1

Kiss no.2

Still no prince... maybe i should kiss harder....

Kiss no.3

How come there is no prince??

Friday, September 08, 2006

Hooray! It's my birthday!

Guess wat?? It's my big day today... but due to my daddy's and mummy's laziness, i only get to hold a virtual party. So everyone please help urselves to a piece of the virtual cake and enjoy urselves! heheee...

Dun worry.. my mummy promised me a huge birthday bash when i am 5 years old. I will invite u then!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

My First Birthday Card!

Today, i received my very first birthday card in the post! I was sooo excited that i kept flinging the card around... It was from my mummy's friend called Auntie Huiyi. My mummy helped me opened up the envelope and read the card to me. Thank you Auntie Huiyi! Maucks!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Movie star in the making

Hey, do i look like a movie star? Heehee..

Wat ya looking at?

Stop taking my photos! Privacy pleeeeeease...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

More Birthday Pictures

I'm sooo happy!

Me and Grandpa

Me and Grandma

Can we blow out the candle already??

Me and Mama... I wana cut the cake!

Look at me.. i am making funny faces.. hehe..

My First Birthday Celebration

I celebrated my first birthday in advance today. But i didn't have a big birthday bash, like other kids, as my daddy and mummy are so lazy and cheapo! Sob sob... My mummy only invited my great-grandma, grandpa, my 2 grandmas, grand-aunties, uncles and aunties. Luckily i still got a very cute Sesame Street cake which i enjoyed eating!

Daddy feeding me my first chicken drumstick! DELICIOUS! heeheee..

Uncle Terence gave me a present which looked highly suspicious to me at first (well, u never know rite? Might be a bomb!). However, after tearing it up, i discovered it was a pink cuddly Piglet!