Sunday, November 20, 2005

My first trip to Sengkang

Yesterday, my mummy and daddy brought me to Sengkang to meet a new fren. Initially my mummy say wan to take mrt.. luckily i smart.. i pretend to sleep.. later wake up pretend hungry.. in the end, late already so we took cab! Haaahaaa... it's a ploy! Ask me to take mrt all the way to Sengkang??!!?! VERY FAR LEH!

Anyways, it's my mummy's fren's place, auntie Lishan. Her house very nice.. got many new things to see! I very kapo so my mummy carried me around to look at auntie Lishan's home. After that, many aunties came too... but hor, they all in denial... keep asking me to call them jie jie! My mummy say there is only one jie jie there.. Belle Belle jie jie.. Here's a picture of her and me together.

Belle Belle jie jie & me

My mummy said that inside auntie Lishan's tummy got a didi but he not ready to come out yet. I can't wait to meet him too!

Auntie Lishan's place got no sofa but got these interesting beanbag thingies.. My daddy decided it will be fun to put me in one of them so he did.. The more i struggle, the more i sink into the thing.. absolutely not fun at all! But dun know why, all the aunties and uncles there keep looking at me and laughing! Never come and save me... chey!

My daddy trying to entertain me

Me looking very TL after being stuck in the beanbag thingie

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