Friday, December 09, 2005

International banking conspiracy

Last night daddy receive a bill from an institution call bank. Straight away he muttered some F word... That he started to F this F that... daddy made some mistake in writting the amount to pay the bank, he wrote a 1 instead of 7 in one of the digits, the bank is charging him interest!!!

According to daddy banking is the biggest scam in the world.

Money is created out of thin air and loan at interest thru fractional reserve banking.

What is fractional reserve banking? Many people have the misconception that a reserve of 10% means the bank keeps 10% of the money deposited and loans out the rest of the 90%.

In actual fact, if a bank has a deposit of $1000, the bank can create a loan of $10,000. Yes, $9000 of this money the bank lent out at interest is created out of thin air. Magic hor....

According to daddy's favourite author Professor Carroll Quigley, mentor of President William Jefferson Clinton at Georgetown university, there exsist an conspiracy of international bankers trying to rule the world by proxy...

Infact today, there is a country that print green fiat(legal tender) money that is practically worthless. However, the green notes is so sought after as Oil (black fossil fuel) is priced, transacted and traded exclusively in this green notes... Is called the Green Note hegemony....

Hmm, next i got treasure, i better keep in my trusty "Gu ni gong".

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