Friday, December 02, 2005

Newest game show in town

Every nite at 9pm, my daddy and mummy (mostly my mummy lar.. cos my daddy very early will self-eliminate) will participate in the newest and most happening game show in town, called 'Guess wat the baby wans!'.

The game rules are as follows:
Try to deciper wat the baby wans by listening to the baby's cries (which are el & el el).
From the cries chose the correct option:
1. Feed milk
2. Change diaper
3. Rock baby
4. Put baby down on bed
5. Sing to baby
6. Give baby pacifer
7. Turn down the air con
8. Cover the baby

When the correct option is chosen, the participant will be rewarded with a peaceful sleeping baby (moi!). If the wrong option is chosen, yours truly here will cry the whole house down.... cos cannot go to sleep.. very grumpy mah!

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